welcome to my corner of the internet!
this is my very first site made from scratch!
made in google chrome and on a 3840x2160p screen

before you leave, would you like to sign my guestbook?


aromatic// plum blossoms

protected by sailor moon!

Sprigatito PAL #196 Card

my tcg partner //sprigatito

LINKED ! yi sang


Transmasculine Pride Webring

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Captivate: A Sylveon Fanlisting button

Master of Horror: The Junji Ito Fanlisting button

First Sound of the Future: A Vocaloid Fanlisting button

Who's Hungry?: A Hannibal Fanlisting button

Gone Angels: A Project Moon Fanlisting button

Wish & Void: A Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Fanlisting button

Eeveelution: An Eevee Fanlisting button

Taste of the Future: A Dippin Dots Fanlisting button

Whiskers & Fun:A Chococat Fanlisting button

Gotta Collect 'Em All!: A Pokemon Plush Fanslisting button

meet the scientist

ren (he/him)

- spicy food :(
- sleeping


March 24, 2025

So it's been a little while now... I lost a bit of steam for keeping up a website, but I started getting a little nostalgic over it recently. It's nice, isn't it? Having a space on the internet that's your own, I mean. I'll sound so old saying this, but I think we've just gotten too used to social media. It's nice and convenient, yeah, but it's so restricting. Especially when you think about how early social media let you use CSS on your own pages. I dunno. Maybe I'm just a bit attached to something I made by hand, even if it is a bit of a mess.

Something that happened recently is that my internship ended about five weeks early... I'm pretty bummed about it, to be honest. I was having a really good time there. They didn't have that much for me to do, really, especially considering there was a bit of a time crunch for me to get my hours in to graduate. But sometimes I can't help but feel like maybe they just didn't want me to stay around. I wasn't the best intern, I'll admit. I try not to think too hard into it, but a lot of things happened in an order that made me feel like maybe they wanted to let me down gently.

I'm graduating in May... that's scary to think about. I'll be 24 this year, and yet I don't feel like I'm ready for the "real world" at all. It'd be nice to be a student forever.

January 14, 2025

I know this is totally late but happy new year everyone! I hope things started off strong and that there's nowhere to go but up from now on. I sure know that I'd like some good fortune...

What's been happening lately? Well, both school and my internship started. This is my last semester! Luckily I don't have much left to do, as I've passed all of the classes for my major except for a professional experience credit (and one last elective for my forensic science minor). But that's where my internship comes in!!

I completed orientation yesterday and I really enjoyed it. The atmosphere was significantly more casual than I expected, and I think I'll really like my experience there. Although, I am a bit nervous. New environment and all. But I do have my hopes up. I think I might fit in. Which is something that I very rarely feel. I'm not entirely sure what I'll be doing, but hopefully I'll prove myself! Also no sneak peeks or any details about it for any of you! Top secret... hehe...

Something in my personal life that was both good and bad is that my car loan got fully paid off in December! But... because I don't have debt to pay off anymore a whole 72 points got eaten off my credit score... That's crazy! 72 points!!! Each payment was on time and in full but that seems to have not been a sign of reliability for debt repayment! The concept of credit is very... sigh- everything to do with money is weird and complicated.

December 15, 2024

I'm gonna be honest that facial has my face feeling so clean. My pores are actually cleared this is amazing. Everyone should try a spa day one day if they can or want to.

Sigh... I'm already considering doing an overhaul of the site. I'm pretty proud of it as it is currently considering the speed at which I slapped it together despite not knowing html very well, but I can't help but see other people's beautiful sites and feel a little bad about mine, yknow? But then again, I know that when I started coding the site, I wanted something relatively minimal. "Minimal" in the sense that it had a small footprint and looked clean-ish, since I absolutely adore visual clutter. I'm one of those people that likes covering any empty space with some poster or knick knack in person, so of course I'd want to do it to my site too!

Today (well, yesterday, as of writing this) I went to the spa for the first time in a long while. I don't remember the last time I went, but this time was pretty nice. The masseuse was pretty strong, it was kind of funny. Not even ten minutes in she made my spine crack like ten times. That sounds a bit concerning but it honestly felt great. The hot towels they give you are just unmatched. I got my first facial too. They blasted a bunch of steam at my face and used some machine that sucked gunk out of my pores. It felt satisfying but I do feel a little bad for the tech, since I probably looked kinda awful. The dark circles under my eyes have always been very dark. She even told me to go to sleep earlier lol Ironically I actually fell asleep while she was still working. That tends to happen to me, as I've noticed. Got some boba afterward and went home to relax. I'm pretty happy.

December 11, 2024

Just finished my last final exam yesterday morning! I'm glad it's over, I was feeling pretty burnt out. Luckily I only need two classes to graduate, and one is technically just an internship that I get college credit for. Next semester I'm only taking two classes (one's virtual, so I only have one in-person class the entire semester) and I'll be dedicating twenty hours each week to my internship. I'm pretty excited! I'm really lucky to have gotten in. Although, I sometimes feel like I got in because they took pity on me... I made a terrible first impression... But I suppose that's alright. Hopefully I'll be able to salvage my image by working hard.

Aside from school and work related stuff, I've gotten into Pokemon again! It's kind of nice. I missed it. It was in part because I got kind of addicted to PokeFarm, so naturally I wanted to try a mainline game again. I had Let's Go Eevee for several years but haven't completed it for so long because I wasn't the biggest fan of the Pokemon Go catching mechanic. I did beat it recently though, and I did a living dex for the first time! Although I can't get Mew since it only comes with the Poke Ball Plus controller... Which totally sucks. I also haven't been able to get Pokemon that evolve through trading but oh well... I'm considering the dex done. I got Meltan and everything so I think that makes up for it. I'm going to just transfer the missing pokemon over from Pokemon Go just to make it easier for myself. I also recently bought Pokemon Sword! The last game I played aside from Let's Go Eevee was Pokemon Black, so I'm glad to experience a modern title. I'm enjoying it for the most part.

December 7, 2024

Finally on the last stretch to freedom from this semester! Well... I guess it is also another step toward freedom from school as a whole. That's really scary to think about, really. Being 23 physically makes me feel like I should be more mature and prepared than I am—and I think that might be scarier than maturing and getting prepared in the first place.

So what's been going on the past few days? I took my final exam for Language and Culture. I did surprisingly well! Languages have always been a passion of mine so I'm glad I was able to take a formal course on them. I didn't finish a few of the last short answer questions but that's on me since I started the exam pretty late in the day. Three of my five classes are done for good now! All I have left is Analyzing Style and Plant Life. My essay for ENG 426 is coming along well, I feel pretty good about that one. And then all I have left for PB 200 is the final exam! I surprised myself each exam with how well I scored so I have high hopes!

On a nicer note, today I went to the mall. The mall near me recently opened a Miniso (exciting!) and I looked around and bought some stuff. I got a Cinnamoroll macaron lip balm and a Hello Kitty blush balm. I'll admit it's definitely the packaging that got me. But I'm happy with the purchases anyways!! I'm really happy with the Hello Kitty blush balm specifically, since it's actually a compact with a little mirror inside it! I hope compacts for some reason. I love their form factor. (And also I don't know if it's just me or if using your phone as a mirror is genuinely embarrassing.)

A picture of The Creme Shop's Cinnamoroll Macaron Lip Balm and Hello Kitty Blush Balm, both in their own unopen packaging. There are digital doodles on the picture in a colored-pencil texture.

December 2, 2024

So... You know how I slapped this site together in the span of about two-three days...? Well that's because I was hyperfocusing and procrastinating. Well now I'm facing the consequences of my actions by trying to burn through an assignment due tonight and then pretend like I studied for an exam tomorrow. And then two more assignments due tomorrow. Don't be like me!!

November 28, 2024

UNBELIEVABLY large thank you to Kermit from electric-tenshi for helping me with some of the code on this site. I could finally get that evil cat cake to sit still.

html is killing me to death

Going down a clique and webring rabbit hole. I love this stuff.

I really never thought I'd actually make my own site from scratch let alone get so into it. I'm actually very happy right now.

html can be such a pain sometimes...

Seems like I'll have to find a new background for the site... I really like this one but I can see how it's an accessibility issue. I'm not sure what else would suffice though. I haven't been able to really find something I like... I'll find something...

I've been sorting through pokemon cards for the Pokemon TCG card claim... Apparently there are over 200,000 cards. This might take a while...

Started adding cliques! I was born before Web 2.0 "technically" started, so I'm really happy to get to experience this part of the internet. I feel like a lot of people are yearning for a simpler time like this.
Yknow... it's a bit odd to think about how people used to code and type entries like this before "what you see is what you get" blog sites and web creators became more of a thing. It's just really weird. Either I'm doing things wrong or it's just odd thinking of blog entries written in the page's html itself.

for you!

floral triptych button

my cool friends

seals.in.net button kitchenknives strawpage

cool sites

virtual diva button electric-tenshi button dimden.dev

thinliquid's button max's apartment dreamscape button

joo.sh button rice.place button Doug's Shack

dynazenta button Rocket into the Spark-web! sealby

meet me on pokefarm!

quiz results!

"Fighting-types are pragmatic, modest and can take a while to trust people. They're relatively private about their self-set goals, but work towards them with unparalleled determination."

stacked rocks

"you appear collected and calm but youre actually barely holding it together. i dont know if stacking rocks helps, but uh, you can do that, i guess."


I 	am a Whiteface Clown! Click here to take the clown quiz!

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Cats are believed to be the only mammals who don't taste sweetness.

Want your own? Visit hekate.neocities.org!

wet beast
sloppy and wet in the river rocks...... you are laid back as fuck. maybe too laid back. get mad!!

it was full of rocks...? that must be why its so fucking heavy lol

you got windclan! you're a stickler for proper organization and structure. you always need to have things planned, or else you might lose your mind with abstracts.

I am a Togetic!

I am swiss cheese!

I'm a Pixie Frog!
The African bullfrog, or Pixie frog as it is often called (because of it's latin name, not because it's as cute as a fairy!), is one of the largest frogs in South Africa. Usually, they hang out in open grassland, and if there are any to be found, they'll sit around in puddles. When startled, these frogs will blow up like balloons to scare away the intruder! In the dry season, they will burrow into the ground. These guys eat lots and lots of really big bugs, fish, mice, lizards, and even other frogs.

What kind of Frog are you?

What Dere Type Are You?
What Dere Type Are You?

Which tarot card are you?

A couch isn't something that belongs in the woods and yet the woods have claimed it. Despite it's ragged look, you feel drawn to it. Surely a quick nap wouldn't hurt?
You are very easy-going and tend to vibe your way through life. You also tend to be very imaginative and often get lost in your daydreams. Some may call you lazy, but whatever, life’s not a race.

Baby Bottle Pop

You are a disciplined person who is sensitive to other people's feelings. Though quiet, you have no problem speaking when it matters.

I am Totodile!

What type of Bishounen are you? Find out at artificial-soul.net by Rin.

What Genre Of Manga Are You?
What Genre Of Manga Are You?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime

I am Cocoa Cookie!

What Tokyo Mew Mew Character Are You?
What Tokyo Mew Mew Character Are You?

Which Sailor Scout are you?


What Sonic Character Are You?
What Sonic Character Are You?

Which Madoka Magica Girl Are You?
Which Madoka Magica Girl Are You?

Which Of The Mane Six Are You?
Which Of The Mane Six Are You?

The Death Clock Prediction

What Neon Genesis Evangelion Character Are You?
What Neon Genesis Evangelion Character Are You?

Which Ouran Highschool Host Club Member Would You Date?
Which Ouran Highschool Host Club Member Would You Date?

Which Len fits you?
Which Len fits you?

Which Minecraft Mob Are You?
Which Minecraft Mob Are You?

Your immortal lover would be...


Your lover is the king of the gods. Just like you, you need someone who commands attention, who isn't afraid of getting what they want. You have proven yourself worthy of greatness and so greatness you shall recieve.

Want your own? Visit hekate.neocities.org!

What Eevee Evolution Are You?
What Eevee Evolution Are You?

What Legendary Pokemon Are You?
What Legendary Pokemon Are You?

Which Medicine Cat Are You?
Which Medicine Cat Are You?

What Warrior Cat Are You?
What Warrior Cat Are You?

What Pokemon Starter Are You?
What Pokemon Starter Are You?

I am 57% loser. What about you? Click here to find out! Which Hatsune Miku Nendoroid Model Are You?
Which Hatsune Miku Nendoroid Model Are You? Which Dragon Ball character are you?
Which Dragon Ball character are you? pure

clique things!

my tcg partners //sprigatito, leafeon vstar, rockruff